Suche eine erfahrene Sales/Vertriebs Person als Mitgründer für ein B2B-Startup in Berlin.
Intro / About me

Tech and product person

I'm looking for

I'm looking for a strong sales and communication person in Berlin as a co-founder! I will found a company in the next couple of weeks. I have a technical background and also startup experience. I'm able to build a MVP in a very short time to test hypothesis. As I'm very product focused, I need someone who can sell(a stage hog) as complement. The person should already have sales/business experience. The market is huge and ready for a distruption. In a personal exchange I can give you more details. Please just serious requests. I'm based in Berlin!

I offer

Startup, shares

Jobs Listings
CSO needed for B2B Startup in Berlin

Es entsteht gerade ein Markt für mein Vorhaben im B2B Bereich. Gründung in Berlin. In einem persönlichen Austausch gerne mehr.

Co-Founder Sales Manager
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